Resumo: "The small following text was targeted Angola as a regional power that has not yet been hardpower can no longer be regarded as softpower in the African context in general and regional center-southern Africa in particular. For this reason we tried to develop a new theory that suits Angolan characteristics and its projection in the African context and how important vertex in political-military relations in sub-Saharan Africa."
Artigo em língua inglesa, com verificação científica, publicado na revista da "International Journal Advances in Social Science and Humanities" (Índia), volume 2, número 5, May 2014, páginas 24-26 (Eugénio Costa Almeida | May. 2014 | Vol.2 | Issue 5|24-26) - (ainda) só podem fazer por aqui o download do texto em pdf. ou aceder ao título acima.
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